Thursday, January 6, 2011

30 Day CHALLENGE- Log What You Spent

In the spirit of transforming in the New Year, I propose a challenge to everyone who wants to partake…

In the spirit of making a difference in our lives and in our world, for the next 30-days let's track our daily expenses vs. income and calculate the net for the month…

This is a practice of bringing heightened awareness to how you are relating to the money you already have, so that we know definitively what we are doing, observe the trends/habits/addictions, and move into a balanced budget where we begin touching our dreams.

1. Every day write down in a log, excel spreadsheet or quicken what you spent money on and what you made (when applicable).

2. Determine whether you are positive or negative

3. Check off the days on a calendar

4. Email me (or post a comment) each week as your progress, hit snags, rough patches. The trick is to keep picking yourself back up.

Tips: you can keep a little note pad or keep your receipts so you can remind yourself at the end of the day what you spent. Don't take it too seriously, have fun!, watch what shows up. Invite a friend to do this with you or share this with them and ask them to hold you accountable.

Honoring your commitments to your self is ground zero for so many things in life. Personal Integrity is the life spring of lasting peace and joy!

If you want a sample spreadsheet and/or financial sobriety worksheet email me at:

If you have any other tips or questions please email or post as a comment on the blog.

This can work for your personal finances and/or your business to bring you into greater awareness and transition you into making conscious choices that better serve your higher goals, dreams, family, community and on outward.

The greatest need in our financial system is oversight and accountability and that starts from the bottom up. We can make more with less, live brighter lives more simply, together, free of all the poor habits that no longer serves us.

Blessings ahead… Tye Kirk

PS. One of the greatest obstacles is the rationalization/misbelief that we will start saving when we get more money. As reported in The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley- that rarely ever happens. Start today with what you already have and build the habits and practices that lift you out of this what Paul Krugman recently referred to as "Deep Hole Economics".


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good Question.... I think he was saying... Thanks for showing interest and this world and economy needs our full participation. This program focus on changing the way we relate to money and bringing stability to our financial realm. But what it takes is a deep intention, commitment, accountability, and a holistic approach.

    These are the requirements of the 30 Day Challenge:

    1) Make a commitment, write it out and send to me. Such as "I resolutely commit to log my expenses/income each day for the next 30 days and email Tye my balance when complete."

    2) Email or text me your balance when you have completed your commitment each day. Balance = is the sum of income and expenses for the month so far. This could be the bank balance if you are using quicken or the NET if you are using the excel Challenge spreadsheet.

    3) Send to Tye what format you will be using to log your finances (quicken, excel, on paper, etc)

    4) Send to Tye what your intention is to co-create in your life as a result from participating in this program.
